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Check out some of the latest coverage on alternative ketamine infusion therapy


Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Ketamine is a prescription medication that doctors can prescribe off-label to treat depression, anxiety, chronic pain, PTSD, OCD, and other mental health-related conditions. It has safely been used as an FDA-approved anesthetic since 1970.

At lower doses, ketamine can move you beyond the superficial layers of your day-to-day mind, heal unhealthy neural pathways, and help you achieve the clarity you need to live the life you deserve.


Experience Rapid Relief

Ketamine is unique in its ability to provide rapid relief from depression and other mental health conditions. While traditional antidepressants can take weeks or even months to take effect, ketamine provides some of the fastest relief symptoms on the market.

FDA Approved Since 1970

Ketamine has been an FDA-approved medication for over 50 years. It has been used as a safe and effective anesthetic for millions of people across the world.

Efficacy of Ketamine

Ketamine has continued to show its potential as a rapid-acting solution for various mental disorders, including depression, OCD, PTSD, and anxiety. In addition to its efficacy, ketamine has a very low risk of abuse and addiction when used correctly.

Hundreds of studies all point to one fact: ketamine is an effective treatment for mental health disorders. Not only is it effective, but it is also fast-acting, with relief that can start to occur within *hours after your first infusion.

*Onset & relief times may vary depending upon a variety of factors. Please consult with your physician to determine a treatment plan specific to your needs.


A Fast-Acting Solution

Ketamine is a powerful anesthetic that has been used for decades in operating rooms around the world. It's known for its safety and effectiveness, as well as its ability to rapidly relieve physical and mental health conditions.

Personalized Dosages & Treatments

At Klarity, we offer an IV ketamine therapy program that is tailored to your specific needs. We will work with you to determine the right dosage and frequency of treatments to help you achieve the best possible results.


SphenoCath® Treatment Available

A unique and specially designed medical device created by Dolor Technologies LLC to assist medical professionals in injecting small amounts of fluid into the nasal passage, including the area of the inferior turbinate, superior turbinate, and sphenopalatine foramen.


Experience Rapid Onset of Relief

Ketamine is unique in its ability to provide rapid relief from depression and other mental health conditions. While traditional antidepressants can take weeks or even months to take effect, ketamine can provide relief in as little as a couple of *hours.

*Onset & relief times may vary depending upon a variety of factors. Please consult with your physician to determine a treatment plan specific to your needs.

FDA Approved Since 1970

Ketamine has been an FDA-approved medication for over 50 years. It has been used as a safe and effective anesthetic for millions of people across the world.


Real Stories. Real Results.


At lower doses, ketamine can move you beyond the superficial layers of your day-to-day mind, heal unhealthy neural pathways, and help you achieve the clarity you need to live the life you deserve.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Ketamine infusion is a medical procedure delivered through IV. If you have ever received IV fluids or medications before, you can expect a similar procedure. The procedure is essentially painless, and the medication may feel cold as it enters your bloodstream. We also monitor your vitals with noninvasive equipment for the duration of your procedure.

  • Ketamine treatments are showing promise in treating many different chronic diseases. It can have life-changing effects for those who suffer from debilitating conditions such as depression and anxiety.

  • Ketamine infusions are typically administered intravenously and go directly into the bloodstream. IV therapy is rarely used as a first-line treatment of depression but is used more as a last line of defense when antidepressant medications have failed to work.

  • Ketamine infusions are administered through an IV infusion in the arm, and the effects can last from days to weeks. Patients typically receive six doses over a two to three-week period as part of their "induction" phase. After that, they go onto the maintenance phase typically administering one dose every three to eight weeks. Less frequently, we’ve seen results last for several months or longer.

  • Typically, Ketamine makes patients refrain from any pain-like sensations, and it’s for this reason that they’re closely monitored. When receiving Ketamine infusion treatments, it’s common to feel happy, calm, and entirely relaxed. Patients may feel nausea and slight disorientation, but those symptoms usually subside quickly.

  • Ketamine has been FDA-approved for use as a sole anesthetic agent and in surgical and diagnostic procedures. Ketamine is not currently FDA-approved for other indications, but that does not prohibit its use in other health-related areas. Many drugs are prescribed off-label at the discretion of the administering or prescribing physician.

“I've tried different invasive procedures for a neck injury. Those results were temporary and barely helpful. Ketamine infusions for my chronic pain give amazing improvements.

I've worked in health care for 10 years.. K infusions with Dr. Tang is a lifesaver. Invest in your health and call his clinic.”

S.S., Infusion Therapy Patient

“Dr. Tang treated me well and took the time to really understand what brought me down this path. After the first three sessions, I felt like my normal, quirky self and found myself laughing at stupid videos and cracking jokes. I have even found the energy to wake up in the mornings to work out which I haven't done in years.

The difference of ketamine therapy is almost night and day, especially in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy.”

C.A., Infusion Therapy Patient

“After trying many traditional therapies & medications for my debilitating depression and anxiety with little to no relief, Klarity Clinic has helped me find my drive to get out of bed in the morning, to get back to work, and to actually enjoy my life again.

I'd been depressed for so long, I'd forgotten just how wonderful it is to smile! Thank you”

Y.M., Infusion Therapy Patient

“Klarity Ketamine Clinic helped my depression and anxiety symptoms a lot more than the pharm medicines my Psychiatrist prescribed me. It is really helpful and the staff is friendly, nice, and knowledgeable. This helped me more than anything else that was prescribed to me.

I am glad that my symptoms are a lot more manageable now. Thank you.”

W.E., Infusion Therapy Patient

“I’ve received ketamine infusions from Dr. Tang to treat my recurrent major depression. Over the course of the two weeks I felt my mood get better. The treatments were relaxing and comfortable experiences. I found myself more motivated and better able to make healthy lifestyle changes.


t's been over a month since the treatments and my mood has stayed well and stable, and Dr. Tang offers booster infusions in case the effect wears off.”

S.Z., Infusion Therapy Patient

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