The Journey to Klarity

You deserve to feel good. Your first step towards getting better lies in finding a safe, and effective treatment. With our innovative & alternative treatment options, you can rest assured knowing you will find a treatment that works for you allowing you to return to a better you, and a better life.


How It Works

Gain clarity with Klarity! We’re 100% committed to supporting your health journey with the compassionate care you deserve. We’ll guide you every step of the way with personalized treatment plans that are backed by science-proven methods, and optimized to help you make the transformation to becoming the best version of yourself.

  1. Initial Assessment
    The first step in finding clarity is a brief evaluation to see if infusion therapy is suitable for you. If you qualify, a free consultation can be scheduled with our clinical team to explore options. Our goal is to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible and have all the information you need to make an informed decision about your care.

  2. Educational Consultation
    During your visit, you will meet with our clinical team to learn more about ketamine and how it can help you. We will answer any questions that you may have and help you understand what to expect during treatment. We will develop a personalized care plan that includes the number of infusions and frequency that is right for you. We want you to be as involved in your care as possible, so we will provide you with all the resources and support you need to make informed decisions about your health.

  3. Infusion Therapy Session
    After your consultation, you will schedule your first infusion. Ketamine therapy is typically administered in a series of six infusions, given over a period of a few weeks. Depending on your individual response to treatment, the number of infusions may be more or less.



Initial Assessment

The first step toward your treatment options involves a brief evaluation to see if infusion therapy is suitable for you. If you qualify, a free consultation can be scheduled with our clinical team to explore further treatment options.


1. Take Your

Your journey towards well-being begins with our simple online candidate assessment to check for any indications of depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.


2. Schedule Your Consultation

If it is determined that you are a candidate for ketamine infusion therapy, an online consultation will be scheduled. During this consultation, our licensed medical providers will gather your medical history and discuss your symptoms to develop a personalized treatment plan.


3. Explore Options

After completing your consultation, we’ll discuss your personalized treatment options and set intentions for the goals and targets you would like to hit when finished with the treatment.



Educational Consultation

Think of this free consultation as a chance for us to get to know each other and to help you find comfort in your upcoming treatment plan. Our clinical team will walk you through the process answering any questions you may have.


Book Your
1:1 Consultation

If your pre-assessment indicates that you could benefit from ketamine therapy, our team will set up a free consultation. We want to make sure that you feel comfortable and confident with treatment options before moving forward. In the consultation, we will discuss your medical history, your current medications, your goals for therapy, and what you can expect from treatment.


Schedule Your First Treatment Session

If determined that ketamine therapy is right for you, your first infusion will be scheduled. We will go over what you can expect before, during, and after your infusion, and answer any questions you may have helping you take your first steps towards finding long-term relief.


Reaching Klarity

Your First Treatment Session

The waiting period is over, and you’re ready to begin a healing journey. At this point, a plan has been set in motion by our expert team of clinicians, where your new lease on life begins. Ketamine infusion therapy typically involves an initial series of *6 infusions over a 2-week period. Klarity Clinic utilizes these proven treatment plans for maximum impact. *Depending on your individual response to treatment, the number of infusions may be more or less.


1. Session Preparation

You’ve been cleared for treatment, and the date is set. It’s now time to prepare for your first session. Your clinician will ensure you're physically and mentally ready before reviewing your personalized plan and sharing tips for navigating the experience. It’s our goal to make you feel relaxed, comfortable, and ready to begin treatment.


2. The Road to Klarity

Our team supports you each step of the way, ensuring you make the most of each experience in a monitored, safe, and comfortable environment. Most people report feeling relaxed and happy during their first infusion, and many say they feel like their mood has lifted afterward. However, it is important to remember that everyone experiences treatment differently and that for more severe cases, you may not feel results up to 1 week after your last treatment. Our goal is to reach the therapeutic dose gradually so that we can minimize any potential side effects and maximize the benefits of treatment, all while keeping you comfortable.


3. A Brighter
Future Ahead

After your first treatment sessions, we will help you develop a personalized growth plan giving you the tools you need to make the most out of your journey. It’s our mission to assist you towards a healthier relationship with yourself, making the most out of your journey and helping you develop sustainable peace.


How It Works

Mental Clarity is Just a Phone Call Away

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Check out some of the latest coverage on alternative ketamine infusion therapy


Client Success

Mercedes shares her NAD+ and Ketamine treatment experience for GHB and methamphetamine addiction at Klarity Ketamine Clinic and Klarity Life in Las Vegas, NV.


How It Works

Take Your First Step Towards Everlasting Relief

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The Road to Klarity

1. Initial Assessment

The first step in finding clarity is a brief evaluation to see if infusion therapy is suitable for you. If you qualify, a free consultation can be scheduled with our clinical team to explore options. Our goal is to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible and have all the information you need to make an informed decision about your care.

2. Educational Consultation

During your visit, you will meet with our clinical team to learn more about ketamine and how it can help you. We will answer any questions that you may have and help you understand what to expect during treatment. We will develop a personalized care plan that includes the number of infusions and frequency that is right for you. We want you to be as involved in your care as possible, so we will provide you with all the resources and support you need to make informed decisions about your health.

3. Infusion Therapy Session

After your consultation, you will schedule your first infusion. Ketamine therapy is typically administered in a series of six infusions, given over a period of a few weeks. Depending on your individual response to treatment, the number of infusions may be more or less.

4. Follow-Up Care

After your initial series of infusions, you will meet with our clinical team to discuss your progress. We will develop a plan for ongoing care that may include maintenance infusions, as well as other resources and support to help you maintain your health and well-being.